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For Authors

Rules of publication in the Scientific Journal of the University of Rzeszów, Law Series


  1. Submitted materials may take the form of an article, commentary, gloss, review, report and review of legislation, case law and magazines.

  2. The materials should be prepared in a printed version with an electronic record in the Microsoft Word editor format. The editorial staff does not return the submitted materials and reserves the right to change them.

  3. The article should be accompanied by a summary not longer than 1/3 of the page (up to 1000 characters) in Polish and English with the title in English as well as key words in Polish and English, and a bibliography.

  4. The author gives his name, surname and affiliation, containing a short biographical note with a degree or degree, affiliation to the scientific center and specialty he deals with, as well as the unique identifier of researchers (ORCID - Open Researcher and Contributor ID).

  5. By submitting material for publication, the author is requested to provide his address for correspondence, telephone contact and e-mail address.

  6. The author receives in the paper version material for proofreading. Failure to return the author's correction within the set deadline means acceptance of the version of the text received.

  7. The editors do not pay authors for published materials; send only a copy of the notebook.

Preparing footnotes in  in the Scientific Journal of the University of Rzeszów, Law Series

  1. Footnote numbering is continuous.

  2. The footnote is treated like a sentence, so it should begin with a capital letter and end with a dot.

  3. In the text, the footnote number is placed without a space after the word, before the comma or period ending the sentence.

  4. The author's work, which is created for the first time, should be quoted in the following way: initial of the name with a dot, surname, decimal, italics, place and year of publication, pages, e.g. A. Wolter, J. Ignatowicz, K. Stefaniuk, Prawo cywilne. Zarys części ogólnej, Warszawa 2001, s. 42.

  5. An article from a scientific journal should be cited as follows: initial of the name with a dot, name, title of the article in italics, title of the journal (in quotation marks "...."), Arabic numerals, decimal, notebook number, then, year of publication, quoted pages, e.g. S. Grobel, Niektóre aspekty winy w prawie cywilnym, „Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Seria Prawnicza”, Prawo 10, 2011, s. 62.

  6. The article from the collective publication should be cited as follows: initial of the author's name with a dot, name, title of the article in the cursive, comma, then [in:], title of the collective publication in the italic, editor (editors), place of publication and pages, e.g. A. DÄ™biÅ„ski, Prawo rzymskie a systematyka prawa kanonicznego, [w:] ‘Leges sapere’. Studia i prace dedykowane Profesorowi Januszowi Sondlowi w pięćdziesiÄ…tÄ… rocznicÄ™ pracy naukowej, red. W. Uruszczak, P. ÅšwiÄ™cicka, A. Kremer, Kraków 2008, s. 135 i n.

  7. Quoting once again the work of the same author should be quoted in the following way: the initial of the name with a dot, the name, after the comma abbreviation op. cit. in italics and page number or the first words of the title in the uppercase with three dots and page number, e.g.  S. Grobel, op. cit., s. 64 or S. Grobel, Niektóre aspekty…, s. 64.

  8. If in the text of the article there are two references to one item of the same author next to each other in the following footnotes, the abbreviation Tamże, in italics should be used, e.g. footnote 1 – S. Grobel, Niektóre aspekty…, s. 64; footnote 2 – Tamże, s. 66.

  9. JIf in one article several texts of the same author are cited, the footnotes (further, does not refer to the first footnote from the given item) should be introduced in the title, which differentiates these items, followed by ..., without italics, e.g. E. Ura, Prawo administracyjne, Warszawa 2010, s. 121 i n.; E. Ura, ObowiÄ…zki pracowników administracji publicznej a odpowiedzialność za ich wykonanie, „Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Seria Prawnicza”, Prawo 1, 2003, s. 401 – in further footnotes, one should quote: (if they appear in one footnote) E. Ura, Prawo … s. 121 i n.; Tenże, ObowiÄ…zki pracowników …, s. 405; (if in various footnotes) E. Ura, Prawo … s. 121 i n.; oraz E. Ura, ObowiÄ…zki pracowników …, s. 405


1. The editors of the Scientific Journal of the Univeristy of Rzeszow, Law Series, require the authors to observe the principles of scientific reliability.

2. Sending an article to the Scientific Journal of the Univeristy of Rzeszow, Law Series is tantamount to accepting that the article is the designated author. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the submitted data. Co-authors of the publication are asked to fully disclose the contribution of individuals to the publication (including information about their cooperation and the authorship of concepts, assumptions, methods, etc.). This obligation rests primarily on the author submitting the material for publication.

2. Editors will warn against manifestations of scientific misconduct - including such as ghostwriting (making your own contribution without revealing your authorship or co-authorship, and in the case of gratitude, without specifying the contribution of the recipient of thanks) and guest authorship (indication of the author or co-author of the publication of the person whose actual contribution is insignificant or none).

3. The editors will seek information on the sources of financing of the publication, including the contribution of scientific and research institutions, associations and other entities.

4. The editors will document all manifestations of scientific misconduct, especially violations and violations of ethics. All detected cases of scientific misconduct will be disclosed, including notifying institutions employing authors.

Reviewing rules in the Scientific Journal of the University of Rzeszów, Law Series

1. Texts sent to the editorial staff will be subject to a preliminary assessment (review) by thematic editors.

2. During the review, the double blind review rule will be applied, according to which the reviewer and the author of the text do not know their identity.

3. To assess each article, two external reviewers are appointed, from outside the unit (in the case of texts in English, at least one of them will come from a foreign institution).

4. External reviewers:

a) they are not members of the Editorial Board,

(b) they are competent staff in the field and have at least a doctorate degree and relevant academic achievements,

c) enjoy a good reputation,

d) are not employed in the same institution from which the authors come,

4. In other solutions, the reviewer must sign a statement of no conflict of interest; a conflict of interest is considered to occur between the reviewer and the author:

a) direct personal relationships (kinship, legal relationships, conflict),

b) professional subordination relationships,

c) direct scientific cooperation during the last two years preceding the preparation of the review.

5. The editors give the reviewer the text of the publication, a summary of the article, and asks for the decision to accept or reject the text to be published within a specified period. The reviewers, on the other hand, commit themselves during the process of peer review to confidentiality in the opinions about the reviewed article and not to use the knowledge gained on this occasion prior to its publication.

6. The editors of the Scientific Journal of the Univeristy of Rzeszow, Law Series give the reviewer a review form. The review must end with an unambiguous conclusion as to the admission of the article to publication or its rejection.

7. The reviewer submits the prepared reviews in electronic form to the editors' e-mail address and in paper form with a handwritten signature.

8. The comments of the reviewer are forwarded to the author of the reviewed text, who is obliged to take into account the recommendations of the reviewers and to correct the text or if the author disagrees with the conclusions of the reviewer, has the right to present his editors' position. The decision to publish the text is made by the Editor-in-Chief after consulting the Editorial Board and the Scientific Council.

9. The list of reviewers is posted on the journal's website once a year.

Publication Ethics

The editors of the Scientific Journal of the Univeristy of Rzeszow, Law Series adopted  the principles of publication ethics in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE - Committee on Publication Ethics). The editors use COPE standards and guidelines, as well as codes of conduct and descriptions of case studies and diagrams created by the Committee on Publication Ethics, which this organization made available in electronic form at with the right to further use. The relevant file can be found in the Download section.


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